Conoce la carta del Hospedaje Rústico Os Castaños

Our dishes of Salads

  • Castellano
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  • featured

    Lettuce, tomato, onion, green pepper, carrot, marinated chicken and apple. Accompanied with mango vinaigrette.

    • 11.00€
  • featured
    From the house

    Lettuce, cherry tomato, red onion, red and green pepper, Manchego cheese and nuts. Accompanied by basil and walnut vinaigrette.

    • Peanuts
    • Milk and derivatives
    • Nuts
    • 11.00€
  • featured
    Iberian salad

    Lettuce, spinach, confit cherry tomato, red onion, parmesan cheese and thin toasted bread. Accompanied with green apple vinaigrette.

    • Cereals with gluten
    • Milk and derivatives
    • Nuts
    • 11.00€

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